Thursday, September 11, 2008

So who are all you people, anyway?

The little map at right shows where our readers are. If you read this blog, even once, a little dot shows up on that map in your part of the world. I saw this elsewhere, and thought it was neat, so I put one here.

Now we're wondering who all you people are. We have friends from San Francisco, especially from our church, who are now all over the world, but I'm not sure it's that many. Especially in South America. Neither of us even speak Spanish or Portuguese.

So if you don't know us personally, and you read this blog, and you feel like it, please leave a little comment with a note about yourself. You can click on the "comment" link below. But if you prefer to continue reading in secrecy instead, that's fine with us. We just wanted to get you know you a little.

If you do know us personally, but feel like leaving a note anyway, just to say hi, feel free.


The Laughing Rover said...

First commenter!! Wheee!! You know me but my 'dot' has showed up in at least three places now, so just so you know the dot that is me is in south-eastern France. Bon voyage!

G P Lent said...

Gary (& Penny) --
dot 1: Home in North America, upper left corner of the USA, Washington State.
dot 2: Thailand at the Grace International School.
Really enjoy your blog writing and pix.
I should add such a map to our blog at

kar0ling said...

I usually lurk silently on people's blogs, but what the hey, you asked nicely; maybe I'll reveal myself for once. I'm the dot right in the centre of the North American continent--Winnipeg. Lived in SW province in Cameroon from Aug 07 to June 08. Stumbled across your blog somewhere along the way and have been checking in on occasion to read about your adventures, and every so often to hear about people I met while out there.

Anonymous said...

I'm from the dot in the Bay Area of California, where we eagerly await your return. I like to return to your posts and pictures of the market place and all the vegetables and the growers of the vegetables. Dolores Nice-Siegenthaler, EarthTender

Anonymous said...

I am in Western Massachusetts--your AP who loves the two of you and your blog. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Tom said...

Hey, this is cousin Tom. I have been reading occasionally from Charleston South Carolina, but now I am living in Germany right near the French border...