Monday, June 9, 2008

Serious Yard Work

Behind the house where we live (outside of the wall, so it's not really our yard), there is a footpath where people come and go from the main road, and an embankment sloping up to the fenced-in field where we play frisbee on Sundays. This being Africa and all, things grow quickly and vigorously upon said embankment, so every few months, a troupe of young men has at it with machetes.
This time around, they let it go for 3 or 4 months, longer than usual, so it was quite a jungle back there. It took them three mornings of work to cut back all the brush. I took the picture above when they were partway through with this side, so you can see where they stopped. The grass and bushes are as tall as I am.
Now here's another picture I took after they were done. There's a whole fence back there, and a couple palm trees, and a footpath. Who knew? And if you liked it better with all that greenery, never fear, it'll be back in a couple months...

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