Christy and Liz, our friends and neighbors, stopped by that night. Christy (center) composed a rap for Ann's birthday, which she and Liz performed. Then we all sang Happy Birthday.
Wednesday, we invited the Boyds for dinner. Christi was in the US, but Jeff and the kids came over. We made quesadillas, and Naomi (center) brought over a chocolate pudding cake she made that we're still finishing off. We finally got to meet Matthias (in the black t-shirt) a few days before this, because he just got back from his first year of university in the Netherlands.
Last night we made some pizza, and invited our next-door-neighbors the DuBois family over to join us. In the flurry of excitement entailed by their two small children, I neglected to take a picture. I did get one of the pizzas, though. The DuBois had given us some American pepperoni, unavailable here, on a previous visit to their house, so we decided to serve it up.
And there is more to come. I went with Ann to the doctor on Monday, so I never got to the other side of town to get her present. I hope to pick that up next Monday.
Happy Birthday Ann!
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