Thursday, April 3, 2008

the 100% guilt-free blog

No fewer than three of my friends from the US have apologized to me recently, via email, for not following this blog or emailing faithfully enough.  So I want to make something clear:

Ann and I have no expectations that anyone will or will not be reading this blog or emailing us while we're in Africa.

The blog is on the internet for all the world to see, so it's available, but whether you look is up to you.  Our families and a few friends expressed an interest in keeping up with us while we're away, and it's nice for us to have a record of our experiences, and plus it's fun to write, so that why it's here.  

It might be the kind of thing you like, if you like this kind of thing.  If you have other things to do and want to catch up with us once we get home, we're fine with that too.  We love you just the same.


Leon Franzen said...

What advice do you have for those friends that feel guilty for reading the blog?

Unknown said...

"Get back to work, you! The company's not paying you to sit there in front of Google Reader all day!"

How was that?

Dan Wilson said...

I'm having someone interested in micro-loans read your blog. Do I get to put that as a credit in my Guilt-bank so I don't feel guilty for something else down the line?

little miss gnomide said...

but! i'm often motivated to be more "friendly" by my guilt. you take that away...